Bark Guarantee

The Bark Guarantee protects you when you buy items sold and fulfilled by a third-party seller. It covers both the timely delivery and condition of your items. If you're not happy with either and can’t resolve the issue directly with the seller, you can make a claim directly to Barkmall and our team will decide if you're eligible for a refund.

You may be eligible to request a Bark Guarantee refund in the following cases:

  • Your item hasn't arrived three days after the latest estimated delivery date.
  • Your item hasn't arrived, but tracking says it was delivered.
  • The item you received was damaged, defective, materially different, or you changed your mind and you returned it in line with Our Return Policies. However, if you haven't been refunded or the amount refunded was wrong. You must do the following:
    • 1. Request a return within the return period offered in Our Return Policies (or before the end of the extended return period for orders placed during the Christmas period).
    • 2. Return the item with tracked shipping. Your return must be postmarked within 14 days after you've arranged the return with the seller.

    The refund amount you're entitled to is included below.

    Reason for return Product cost Original shipping cost Return shipping cost
    Item was damaged, defective, or materially different from what you ordered Yes Yes Yes
    Any other reason (restocking fees may be deducted from the total refund) Yes No No
    Any other reason (if Jewellery or above HKD $4,500 per a single product) Yes No No
  • The seller agreed to issue a refund or replace the item and you haven't received the refund, the amount refunded was wrong, or the replacement item wasn't sent.
  • You weren't satisfied with the quality of the eligible services performed by the third-party seller.
  • You wanted to return an item that you bought from a seller but any of the following occurred:
    • 1. The seller didn't provide a return address in the Hong Kong SAR
    • 2. The seller didn't provide a prepaid return label.
    • 3. The seller didn't offer a full refund of the item without requesting the return of the item.
  • You were charged extra (e.g, by customs authorities for a shipment sent internationally) in addition to the purchase price and any shipping costs you paid, and the seller didn't cover those costs.
  • You've waited no longer than 90 days from the Estimated Delivery Date to file your claim.
  • We may ask you that we first contact the seller and wait up to 48 hours to allow the seller to respond and offer a resolution before you can request a Bark Guarantee refund directly from Barkmall.
  • You have 30 days after the maximum estimated delivery date to request a Bark Guarantee refund.
  • If you request a refund or chargeback from your payment provider (for e.g., your bank or credit card company), you’re not eligible for a refund through Barkmall’s Bark Guarantee.
  • The Bark Guarantee does not cover digital items, services, stored value instruments, or tailored/custom-made consumables (including food and treats), fresh food.
  • The Bark Guarantee covering timely delivery and condition of your items only applies when you buy items sold and fulfilled by a third-party seller. For items sold by Barkmall Global Store and for Marketplace items delivered using Bark First, please contact us.